$1Billion Question, Can You Date A guy With Holes In His Face For $1Billion?
As an inquisitive spirit you will always stumble on things you never expect I guess that’s the price you pay for wanting to know more than you already do.
Meet Joey Miggler, 22, from Germany, the man who spent forty thousand, eight hundred pounds in putting “tunnel holes” in his face. With eleven holes in his face including his mouth and nose, Joey is set to go down in the new list of Guinness World Book of Records for having the most holes in the face.
After having an ear piecing at the age of 13 in his earlobe, this 22 year old man became addicted to body piercing and with time extreme piecing called ”expanders”. This mas made eleven gashes in his face.
He can slice a stick of straw from one cheek to another
He can also fork his tongue through his cheek
Joey Miggler has acquired a grand total of 27 different piercings, as well as six tattoos, an implant and has even had his buttock branded. He intends having an eye implant someday. He believes his body is an art for him to recreate his addiction to flesh mortification on.
Joey said he gets ridiculed on social media, but most people he meets in person usually stop to enquire about why he does what he does. He has support from his mum who wants him to stop, but Joey intends to go further. He also as a girlfriend who is an artist and body piercer too,
Which brings me back to the question, “Can you date this guy for $1Billion dollars”?!