Tuesday, 13 October 2015

#NoBraDay – Why You Should Touch Your Breast, Fight Cancer And Set The ‘Girls’ Free

National No Bra Day October 13 
It’s yet another October 13; another #NoBraDay. A day set aside every year to sensitize women on Breast cancer. #NoBraDay is an annual “holiday” that encourages women to set the “girls” free in “support” of October’s National Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer in American women. Despite great progress over the years and many advances in cancer treatment, the cause of breast cancer is still unknown.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 224,000 women and more than 2,000 men were diagnosed with breast cancer in 2012. More than 41,000 died. But many do survive breast cancer and go on to lead very long and productive lives.
Finding cancer early by regular self-exams and mammograms can save your life. Know the known risks and talk to your doctor about scheduling a mammogram.
National Breast Cancer Awareness Month not only helps raise awareness and supports breast cancer research, but also honors those who have lost the fight.
Whether or not you plan to participate in #NoBraDay by going ‘braless’ on today, the fight against cancer continues.

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