Friday, 27 March 2015

6 Tips About Achieving Great in Your Business

1 . Make the best use of what you have. No Excuses. When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade. This lesson is especially true for entrepreneurs. No
matter what you have or where you are, always try to make the best use of your circumstances to pursue your goal. Don’t point fingers or whine if you get the short end of the stick. Utilize every
resource available to you. Look around you, what resources you have? Are there any alternatives?
The key here is to start immediately with everything you have.
This quote also strips away every excuse you might have for not doing something. Don’t say “I don’t have this or that, so I can’t do this or that.” That’s bull shit. If you want to do something, you can just do it with what you have or you can search for alternatives. No excuses for yourself. Never let your circumstances stop you. For example, you don’t need to have a gym membership to get fit. You can learn which workout routines are suitable for you from Youtube and workout on your own in your own home. Going to the gym is not the only way to get fit.
“I attribute my success to this – I never gave or took any excuse.” -Florence Nightingale You want to succeed? Then, never give any excuses. Ever. Never point fingers at anything. Never blame anything. You can’t change others,
only yourself! You’re one step further away from success in your life every time you find excuses for yourself.

2 . Self-Discipline is essential in our life.
Self-discipline is the ability to control ourselves to do the right things. With self-discipline you can overcome procrastination. You can get yourself to
do what you should have been doing. You have a clear idea on what you should be doing. Put it in a simple way, self-discipline is what makes you do the things that you should do, yet
you aren’t willing to do. Just like waking up early in the morning to jog around the park no matter how tired you are the previous day. Your body will
doubtlessly resist doing it, but with self discipline, you’re able to force yourself to stick to the plan. Self-discipline is really important in order to succeed. Without it, we will be lazy, we will procrastinate. It’s one of the most important ingredients of success as it allows us to stick to our
schedule, our plan. It allows us to focus on the goal, the end game, and that’s what going to make us succeed in the future.

3 . Self-confidence is the key.
Believing in yourself is really important in allowing you to live your life to the fullest. Without self-confidence, you can’t succeed. Why? If even you yourself can’t believe in your own abilities, who will? How can you convince others if you can’t
even convince yourself? To succeed, you must first believe that you can succeed. Do that, and you have won half of the battle! “They succeed, because they think they can.” -Virgil
Even Virgil, Rome’s greatest poet, believed in the power of self-belief. Believe in yourself before anyone else can believe in you – that’s the key of
success. You see, self-confidence plays an important role in our life. Without it, we will felt depressed whenever stuff doesn’t go our way, we lack the courage to pursue our dreams and we will give up the moment we face any hardship or
obstacles. But how do we improve our self-esteem? See the positive in the negatives, develop a positive
mindset. And, don’t ever doubt your own capability. Remember, everyone is meant for something great, you just haven’t realized your potential yet!

4 . Don’t afraid to try to succeed.
Don’t be afraid to speak out whenever you have any ideas. Don’t be scared of failure. Always remember the simple fact that if you never try, you will never
know what the result might be. Yes, there is a possibility that you might fail after you try, but you can rest easy knowing that at least you tried. Also,
don’t give up even if you experience failure. Take it as a lesson in life. Did you know that Walt Disney got turned down 302 times before he got financing
to build Disneyland? Yes, failure is hard to accept, it has always been.
But failure is also an opportunity to grow. It’s part of the path towards success. Every successful person faced failure multiple times before in their lives.
Why did they finally succeed? Because they dared to try. They dared to take action to make their dreams a reality. More importantly, they dared to
fail. They are never afraid of trying and taking action in their path to success.
“Twenty years from now you will be more
disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do.” –Mark Twain Craving for success? Take action now, don’t ever allow yourself to regret your inaction in the future.

5 . When it’s time to enjoy, enjoy. When it’s time to work, work hard.
This quote is speaks of an important lesson. When it’s time for entertainment, enjoy yourself, but when it’s time for to be serious, you got tostay away from all distractions. Pay full attention to the task at hand.

The front part of the quote tells us that, it’s okay to take a break from your for some entertainment and to relax. There is no sin in taking a break. You don’t
need to burn yourself out. However, you have to maintain a working balance between work and entertainment. Don’t forget that you’re human too.
“ Play” when necessary. But when it’s time to work, you should put 100% of your effort on it. Focus on the tasks you’re doing. Stay away from anything
that will distract you: smartphones, television, snacks, the internet & etc. Especially when you know you get distracted easily. Stay focused until
you have done your job.
“The successful warrior is the average man, with laserlike focus.” –Bruce Lee
That’s how some people become successful. They focus like a laser when it comes to work. Maintain a balance between work and play in life and never
overwhelm yourselves with a heavy workload.

6 . Grab every opportunity that
comes to you. When any opportunity comes to you, grab it, even if you’re not fully prepared. Opportunities are rare and
far between, so when you come across an
opportunity, make sure you don’t miss it. Don’t hesitate. Don’t doubt your own ability! Seize the moment!
Like what the last part of the quote says, after grabbing the opportunity, get busy and find out how to get things done. When you accept a job, you will
want to do a good job. Thus, you will definitely find out how to do it. Why am I so sure? Because when there is a will there is a way.
“Either I will find a way, or I will make one.” – Philip Sidney
If you can’t find one? Just make one.
The message The odore is trying to send is to grab every opportunity you have in your life, even if you aren’t prepared. If you don’t seize the opportunity,
you may regret in the future. Besides, do you see the positive mindset in the quote? “Certainly I can”
You’ve just got to believe in yourself!

Reasons Why You Need To Make A Serious Change In Your Life

15 Way You Need To Make A Serious Change In Your Life

1. You hate your job. You’ve hated your
job for a long time now. Every time you
see your friends, you tell them how
much you want to quit but at this point,
they’ve stopped believing you. Just do
the damn thing already. Yes, it’ll be
terrifying at first but so is wasting years
of your life doing something you’re not
passionate about. No risk, no reward.

2. Your life is the same shit, different
day. You can’t remember the last time
you did something spontaneous,
something that surprised you. YOU ARE

3. You want to go to a fun party tonight
but none of your friends want to go with
you/require 7 days advance notice to do

4. You can’t remember the last time you
really treated yourself to something
special. Sometimes you
just have to say screw it and splurge.
The best things in life rarely happen
when you’re playing by the rules.

5. You feel like you’ve maxed out your
potential in the city you currently live.
People make a big deal about moving for
“the wrong reasons” but sometimes you
really do just need to get out of dodge

6. Your penis or vagina has been
neglected for quite some time now. It’s a
borderline orphan at this point. Will
someone PLEASE adopt it?

7. You are constantly doing the things
that make you feel like shit and going
into a shame spiral about it. There’s no
learning curve… yet.

8. You spend more time on the Internet
than you do with people IRL. This is a
common problem among our generation
but the sick part is that you don’t entirely
hate it.

9. You’ve been hating how out of shape
you are for as long as you can
remember but, like, YOLO, let’s eat
MORE Thai food, baby.

10. You walk around your neighborhood
and realize that every block holds
significance or some painful memory.

11. You get the feeling that everyone
around you is slowly getting their shit
together, except for you.

12. You find yourself complaining about
the same things you were a year ago.

13. You’re scared of change, even though
you know it’s the only thing right now
that has the ability to make things better.

14. You spend an inordinate amount of
your time freaking out about the things
you’re potentially missing out on but are
too paralyzed by anxiety to do anything
about it.

15. Borderline strangers are starting to
worry about you. The barista at the
coffee shop is looking at you with sad

Wednesday, 25 March 2015

Does this define freedom???

Freedom is like a waving wind that travels without any restriction..
It comes with happiness and gladness it brings out the hopes in us but it can also destroy us..

I can picture (qoute)

I do it becouse i can, i can becouse i want to, i want to becouse you said i couldnt.

Moltivational quotes(On Dreams)

Dreams are not to be chase but lived.

Tuesday, 24 March 2015

Inspirational Sayings, Phrases, and Quotes

Sayings, Phrases and Quotes to Inspire:

"Fortunately for us, God wants us to scan out our past mistakes. We’re not supposed to carry any
guilt around with us."
Carolyn Molica.

A Journey in Faith from the Earthly to the Heavenly As I have walked with God in life and ministry I have grown to appreciate that every life is a gift of
God, and because He loves and cares for us all, I must do the same.
Dr. Stephen A. Gammon, Walking With God

"In our chaotic and confused world, not many things remain unchanged. Down through the changing years of our lives, however, there has been on constant - and that unchanging center is God himself."
Al Bryant

"We may not get always get what we want, but we will always become what we want."
David Timms, Living the Lord's Prayer

"The fullness of the Spirit is an essential and indispensable experience for spiritual leadership. And each of us is as full of the Spirit as we really want to be."
J. Oswald Sanders

"The Word of God is a Person. When you read it, do you see words or do you see Him?"
Jacquelyn K. Heasley

"A spiritual lift comes when we allow the Lord not only to enter the problem but also to carry the burdensome weight of it."
Jan Dargatz,

"A Christian ought to speak kindly even when given the opportunity to retaliate."
Rick Warren, God's Power To Change Your Life

"We may feel like failures and wonder why God allows suffering. But as time passes we learn to look back and see how He worked things for good and how every trial drove us closer to Him."
Dr. David Jeremiah

"It is harder to hate a person after you have prayed for them. It is harder to curse someone after you
have asked God to bless them. Prayer pulls the sting of resentment."
E. Stanley Jones

"One of the sanets, surest, and most generous joys of life comes from being happy over the good fortune of others."
Archibald Rutledge

"Beauty is God's handwriting."
Charles Kingsley

"The Christian life is not to be endured; it is to be enjoyed."
Dr. Tom Knotts.

"Over the years, I have found that everything seems to work out if you have your life in the proper perspective: God first, family second, and
career third".

Monday, 23 March 2015

Believe you can

You can't achieve anything without believing.
You first believe and the rest is a history.

Destroy what destroys you

Everything passes. Everything
changes. Just do what you think
you should do. —Bob Dylan

Simple Mistakes That Destroy Your Relationships (And How to Avoid Them)

5 Simple Mistakes
That Destroy Your Relationships
(And How to Avoid Them)

Happiness , Relationships

Relationships can be fragile things –especially in the beginning.
When they end, it can leave a lot of
unanswered questions.

•Why did this happen?
•What did I do wrong?
•Why do I keep attracting jerks?

Sometimes we can’t put a finger on the
answers, so we just use vague statements
like “we just grew apart.”
But in order to learn from our mistakes, we first have to identify them.

Below is a countdown of 5 mistakes that
may help to answer those questions and
how to avoid them in your next relationship
(or how to save the one you are currently

1 Expecting Perfection

Perfection is a myth.
You cannot have a perfect relationship. You cannot be a perfect girlfriend. You cannot expect a perfect husband.
We have been sold the idea that if we find
our true soul mate, everything will be
perfect. So what happens? When we realize that our partner or our relationship has flaws,
we run for the hills because we believe that means the they were not “the one.”
Or we may let other’s opinions of what a
“perfect relationship” should look like
influence how we view our relationship and
when we don’t measure up, we decide
something must be wrong. Your
relationship may be very different than the fairy tale.You may decide that sleeping in separate beds works the best for both of you, because you sleep better – that doesn’t mean that your relationship is any less “perfect” than anyone else’s. Nobody and no relationship is perfect and we can’t hold ourselves, our partner, or a relationship to those fairy tale standards.

2 Compromising What?
Isn’t compromise the cornerstone of a
good relationship?
I hear successful couples say that all the
time – “the secret to our happy marriage is compromise”. I would argue that if they are truly happy and content then they are
probably using the wrong word when they talk about compromising.
Let me explain. So what is compromising? It means that 2
people have 2 different ideas, wants,
needs, etc and that in order to keep the
peace they come up with a solution that is somewhere in the middle or one person
capitulates. Usually when there is a
compromise, one person gets a little bit (or a lot) more of what he wanted than the other – the “winner”.
The “loser” may have agreed to the
compromise to end the argument and they are willing to accept the short end of the stick this time because they hold on to the
idea that next time there is a compromise,
they will be in the “winner” position.
In this way, compromising can be seen as
2 people taking turns at getting what they
want. This can lead to resentment,
martyrism, and victim role playing because
either one person or both do not get what
they truly want or one person feels that
they are coming out the “loser” more than
their fair share in the relationship.
What is the answer then?
Collaboration. To collaborate is to find the win/win answer .
It is to think creatively to come up with a
solution that everyone can get behind and
support. Where both people feel like they
got what they wanted (and maybe even
more than they initially hoped for).
It’s not easy and it takes hard work to truly collaborate to come up with these win/win solutions, but it leaves no ill feelings, harbored resentments, or scorecards behind.

3 Not Taking Time For Yourself
Everybody needs alone time, or at least
time away from your significant other. And even if you don’t think that you do, I bet your other half doesn’t feel the same way. Couples should not be glued at the hip – you need to be your own person and have your own interests.
So if your boyfriend or girlfriend plans a
night out with their friends or asks for
some alone time, don’t freak out and don’t take it personally. Use that time to your advantage and so something for yourself.

4 Not THINKing

A lot of times we tend to blurt out things
without thinking, especially if we are upset.
These things can get us in a lot of trouble.
And even if your partner says they forgive
you, those words are still out there –hanging in the air forever.
So when you are upset – before you
speak, do yourself a favor. Hit pause, take
a breath and ask yourself, “Is what I am
about to say Thoughtful, Helpful, Intelligent, Necessary, and K ind (THINK)? If not, then keep your mouth shut.
Pay special attention to “necessary” as this one is where we usually trip ourselves up.

5 Trying to Control or Change Our Loved One.
This is a big one.
I know we all “know” we shouldn’t enter a
relationship expecting to change anyone,
but subconsciously we still try.
The next time you are feeling push back in your relationship – that quite not right
feeling – take an honest look at your
motives for some of your recent actions.
Are you trying to manipulate, change, or
control the situation or your partner?
Really think about it. Sometimes on the
surface our actions look innocent
(especially to ourselves) but if we dig
deeper we will be surprised at what we
find. Trying to control is just another way of trying to change.
You want everything to be a certain way
(your way), including your partner. So by
controlling the situation you are trying to
mold (or change) everything to your liking. When you try to control or change
someone you are sending the message
that they are not okay just the way that
they are. Is that the message you want to
be sending to the person you love?
Believe me, they already know what their
faults are – they don’t need you to remind
them. So give it up. Let go.
Repeat the Serenity Prayer over and over if you have to. In case you don’t know it –
here it is: God, grant me the serenity to
accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things that I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.
Concluding Thoughts If you recognize any of these mistakes as ones you have made in the past, don’t beat yourself up over it.

The purpose of this article is to help you
identify past mistakes so that you may
learn from them and have healthier,
happier relationships in the future.

Ways To Go From Hopeless to Hopeful

8 Ways To Go From Hopeless to Hopeful

And we’ve seen days (if not more) of feeling low and miserable, seeing no light at the end of the tunnel, forlorn and lost, we despair; desperate, our fractured souls look for any ray of hope!We’ve all
been there. Swinging the seesaw of hope. We’ve experienced the high of feeling full of anticipation, brimming with confidence, optimistic about the path ahead, encouraged to achieve in spite of
adversities. After all; there’s hope!
Hope then is like the weave to the fabric of our existence. The quintessential thread that holds us
together. Having hope is like taking your next breath; breathing. Without hope; would it be fair to say that we essentially lose motivation, direction or even the will to survive? Wouldn’t it be ideal if we never had to struggle with
the hope-less days and forever remain positively charged? Always be hope-full.
Spirituality, Faith in a Higher Power, Trust in yourself, Belief that everything happens for the best… these are a few of the likely answers and (to each heir own) rightly so. Hope then is intangible, it needs to be felt. It’s a feeling. And luckily a feeling
can be evoked. Like a song that makes you sentimental, an old perfume that makes you nostalgic or a photograph
that brings forth happy memories.
So how do you evoke hope?
Here are 8 ways to do just that.

1. Ask yourself, “Are hope and
possibilities through faith related
things?” If you answered “Yes,” then focus on how to improve your possibilities and the faith to believe.
What do you believe in and why? How can working on that make you stronger?
If your answer was “No,” figure out the difference between the two – hope and possibilities. That may help you understand how to best use your faith to
have hope and see possibilities.

2. Look at the people around you.
You can learn plenty from them.
Observe those that are making progress toward their goals, are centered, happy and optimistic — do they do possibility thinking?

3. Imagine waking up fresh every
morning, truly feel hopeful. That
is possibility thinking. Make time
every day to imagine the day
going well as you work to
continue making progress toward

4. Get training or coaching/counseling from an expert.
Sometimes this needs a sincere
commitment towards change and
can be time consuming. Stay
determined to improve.

5. Decide to take it as it comes…
accept life events and work with
them. Living in denial blocks

6. Take risks, make shifts in
your lifestyle if that seems like
the way to make progress.

7. Redesign, rebuild — a little at
a time or start afresh, but don’t
you quit.

8. Relax and be refreshed;
meditate/pray and find time for
recreation to be able to keep
going forward.

Most importantly; pause long enough to realize you probably already possess a seed of hope — even if you don’t realize it. You either feel hope – less or hope- full. Regardless of both eventualities; hope

Look within – hope only needs to be evoked.

12 Ways to Boost Concentration

12 Ways to Boost

We’ve all been there: We’re faced with a duty that we struggle to complete, but it seems impossible to just crack down and get it done. Why does this happen? It’s not as if the assignment is cripplingly
difficult; it’s more like our brains are refusing to function properly. In order to overcome such situations, to achieve maximum concentration, try
the following:

1. Find/Create Quiet

Concentration relies heavily on your environment.
Imagine trying to complete an important work assignment: Could you perform better at the Super Bowl or in your tranquil home office? Outside noise
will draw your attention away from the duties at hand, leaving you with utterly poor concentration. Find a place where you can really zero in on your

2. Focus on One Thing
at Once

Focus is exactly why you wouldn’t want to take an important task to the Super Bowl: You’d be too distracted to concentrate properly. Trying to
complete two things at once only hinders your concentration.
You may think multitasking is beneficial. On the contrary, when you have numerous items on your
plate, each receives less attention and is completed with a lower standard. It’s like trying to appreciate
a delicious dessert when you’ve been forced to shove a heinous entrée into your mouth at the same
time: You can’t concentrate on one over the other. Narrow your lens; cover less ground to improve your focus.

3. Chew Gum

There’s something about the motion of chewing gum – it’s a relatively mindless gesture that arguably boosts concentration. Some teachers are
allowing children to chew gum during class because, according to teacher and principal Carolyn Cybulski, “ Oral activity can be very calming.” She adds, “The act of chewing gum also provides
constant sensory input to the muscles in the jaw and ears and we find it helps children to concentrate better.” Maybe it could do the trick for you, too?

4. Get Ample Sleep

Are you prioritizing quality sleep hours? You should be. To go without enough sleep – generally at least seven hours – is a big mistake. In addition to crippling your health and making you more
vulnerable to depression, lack of sleep impairs your concentration . You also want to avoid sleep disruption throughout the course of the night.
Basically, when you sleep well and wake up refreshed, it’s as if sleep has lifted the fog from your brain. Without that decent sleep, the fog will continue to build until your mind is essentially

5. Make a To-do List

Know what’s on your plate ahead of time. Tackling your duties, when you know exactly what you have to complete, is easier than going in blindly. Having
the list drawn out in advance also assists you in focusing on just one item at a time. Work on one, complete it, cross it out and move on.

6. Take a Cold Shower

Need a jolt? A little something to shove you into focus mode? Step into a cold shower. The frigid temperature will increase blood circulation and wake you to the world around you. Your brain will
be on full-alert survival mode – unlike when it’s completely relaxed in a hot bath/shower – ready to take on anything.

7. Listen to Certain Varieties of Music

Although some may consider music a distraction, certain melodies have actually been seen to boost concentration and productivity. In fact, in a study
involving workers, those who listened to music completed duties both quicker and more creatively than their tuneless counterparts. There are a few
suggestions as to why this may be the case: music reduces stress, grounds a wandering mind and helps to block out distracting noises, to name a few.

8. Prioritize Comfort

When you’re sitting in a hard chair with an achy back, it’s hard to do your best. What if, rather than a rock-like seat, you were perched on a plush, body-hugging sofa? You wouldn’t be distracted by bodily pains and discomfort. Instead, you’d be able to put the entirety of your brain’s efforts into completing the tasks at hand.

9. Eat Well

Your diet impacts your concentration. What foods you consume, and the total amount of intake, can affect your focus for better or worse. Whole foods,
such as fruits, vegetables and grains, are renowned for their ability to positively boost one’s ability to concentrate . Filling up on sugar, fat and carbs, on the contrary, will provide minimal fuel for your mind and body. Stay satisfied, too, in the amount of food you eat. Hunger pangs are distracting.

10. Exercise Daily

Use your muscles to wake your brain. According to Harvard Medical School, regular exercise releases brain chemicals key for memory, concentration and
mental sharpness . As it turns out, your morning jog does more than sculpt your calves.

11. Drink Enough Water

Water is essential for existence. Not only does it keep us hydrated for physical excursion, but it also fuels our brainpower. Because our bodies are
comprised of more than 70 percent of the
substance, water is absolutely key in every one of our functions . Becoming dehydrated directly impact
your concentration; so drink up.

12. Know When to take a Break

There is such a thing as overworking your brain. When this happens, when your brain is exhausted, it won’t work at its max. Just like your body after a
rigorous workout, your brain needs a rest. Rather than push your brain harder, know when it’s time to throw in the towel. Allowing occasional breaks,
despite seeming like a waste of time, will actually help you to make the most of every single minute.

May you enjoy the mental clarity and boosted productivity that these 12 tips can bring.

Saturday, 21 March 2015


How to Have a Good Family Life

Despite the perfect picture families that always
seem to loom over us on television, posters and bill boards, there are many more complexities
and dynamics to families than all smiles and laughter. All families are different, and all families
have their own issues, but with the right amount of work and determination, you can make your
family life the very best it can be, by developing your relationships and learning more about yourself and your relatives. No one's family life is perfect; but you can make yours good, so why not?

1:Understand your family well. If you don't, then there can be many
misunderstandings and fights. Be with them whenever you can and get to know them better.
A lot of families now don't get to know each other too well because they're too busy. Plan some family time, like, a movie, or a family game, or even as little as eating
dinner together.

2:Respect your family. Your children, your wife/husband are now yours but remember at the end of the day they are also
humans. They also have an opinion or suggestion. Sometimes it can be bad or good. Never be angry with someone's
opinion, they have their opinions, and no one's perfect.
Give time. No one wants to be ignored just for some meeting or work. Give time to each and every one of them so you can understand every individual properly and this can prevent any misunderstandings in the future.

3:Treat everyone as equal. Whether its your maid or stepchild, they also deserve love and affection from you as you
deserve from your wife/husband or from your own child. Treat everyone like you would want to be treated, and getting along
with your family should be easy
Never scream or shout at anyone . This can create hatred for you in their hearts. By simply making them understand can do a lot. Why waste energy when you can do it calmly?

4:Try not to fight with your siblings. fighting can tear your relationship apart and you'll regret it when you get
older. Treasure the time you have with your siblings, you can't get it back. never discriminate.

5:Learn to compromise . When you or someone else in your family wants the total opposite of each other, find a way to
work it out to give you all what you want.

6:Help each other. When you see your sibling or parent needs help, help them.Doing little things such as holding the door for them, or helping someone with homework.

7:Organizing surprise birthday parties and celebrating any individual's achievements can really help.

8:Avoid using offensive and abusive words against each other.
Sometimes teenagers can feel sad or Lonely. First ask them about it and if they don't want to share then its OK. It's just hormones. If you think that something is really bad, ask their close friends and help him/her.

9:Never ever break any promise. This can hurt them or make them feel that youu are a liar and every time will break promises.

10:Learn to forgive.
Don't scold too much. Scolding can be good for them but never over do it. Make them realize in an easy way. If someone in your family has done something wrong or have betrayed your trust, make them realize their mistake in an
easy way.


If you want to change your relationships for the
better, you are better to look through this list:
maybe you are doing something wrong.
1. Suspecting him
Vast of Nigerian women are sure that their men are
going to leave them for anither woman. That's why
they can easily flip out when their significant other
just looks (or looks like he is looking) or talks to
another women. When you are doing such thing a
guy might think you are unsecured. So try to
develop your self esteem and remember that all
relationships are based on trust.
2. Respect his space
If your boy is in a bad mood and don't want to
discuss it try not to make him even more angry.
Some men don't like to speak about their troubles
and feelings so leave him alone. And remember
about trust.
3. Forgetting about their selves
If you are in a long-term relationships it isn't mean
you can stop shave your legs or stop being the
person you were at the beginning of your love story.
You both should make efforts to keep the attraction.
4. Don't reject your life
It is sad when a girl forgets about her hobbies and
friends when she starts dating. It never ends
happily. If he loves you he will not stop you from
things that are important for you.
5. Be honest
Never be passive aggressive. It annoys a lot. If
something is bothering you tell about it. Men are
not mind-readers. They will probably not
understand your secret tips or telepathic
messages. If you wants something tell about it!
6. Don't nag
No guy in the whole universe is able to give you
every single thing you want. Of course sometimes
you will not be happy about something he does. And
again: it is always better to tell strictly about your
desires. To harp over him is a worse idea.
7. Appreciate your boyfriend
Appreciate him for things that he is doing. The more
you will tell him how valuable he is the more he will
try to please you.
8. Be positive
There is no sense to blame him when he is not
guilty. Each one of us has bad days, but it is better
to try to be positive. It is not to cool to hang out with
somebody who is grumpy. Except you are a
Grumpy Cat, but probably you are not.
9. Fight with your insecurities
Yours not perfect skin or broken diet should not be
turned into relationships problems. Unless he
brought a big cake while you are on a diet.
he is with you now, that means he thinks you are
pretty and attractive.
The main thing about love is that you take a person
for who she or he is. Not the one you are dreaming
him to be. You better take it or leave it. When it
concern some minor things like toilet seat or
clothes you just can try to be more gentle and
encouraging. Don't try to make him feel stupid. Just
make him to do the right decision on his own, he
just need a little encouragement.

Wednesday, 18 March 2015


Don't demand change from anybody but inspire them to change.
change is something that takes time to happened.
so instead of asking for change be the change you want to see.

(Advice to Aristo girls, get in Letter to single ladies from a wife - by Joy Oforka

Lol. Interesting letter to single women from a concerned wife. Read below and tell us what you think

Dear Single Ladies,
Na wa. Yes, na wa. Not because I am ignorant of appropriate ways to begin a letter but because no other beginning could be more expressively
appropriate for you. "Na wa" because it is a common expression of bewilderment like when we hear Sister Lucy is called Candy outside church.
"Na wa" because it is fitting for disgust like when we see Sisi Kemi is becoming a grandmother - scratch that, mother - as she is pregnant for Baba Ade. "Na wa" because we are fatigued by speechlessness seeing that when we say the Lord's prayer for our husbands, we should replace "temptations" with "evil single ladies". Hence, on these counts and more, I greet you "na wa".

I have tried to make sense of your thing with our husbands. Though it is common knowledge that people cheat (it obviously transcends gender), you
don't find it easily accepted. Permit the truism that people won't cheat if they've got no one to cheat with. Indeed, it is an issue we have to settle with
our husbands. Yet, I dare to play the woman-to-woman card and clear this repugnant air with you.

Trying to see things through your eyes, I wonder:what makes you accept married men as lovers?
Money? How much exactly? How much can a man possibly offer you that you can't challenge yourself to make by yourself? That you are single means
you are young, free and vibrant. So why not make that work positively profitably for you? I mean, except you are a daft, lazy, gold-digging leech
(which I want to believe you are not), then you can be independent.

I have seen some of you sincerely swear that no single man can say he pays your bills. This is true because first they are not single and second because they are mostly "various" men. But I certainly don't mean independent like that.
You like older men? I can't judge you for that penchant. I really understand. Especially since many young men are still stuck on Jay Z's "Young
Forever" and are this close to leaving puberty in their 30's. Since your turn-on is understandably maturity, I insistently scream, "By all means".

However, I have a simple request: leave the married men alone. There are widowers who would love their second wives deeply and elderly men who
for some reason never got married.

These are a perfect class of options for you to frolic with or build
that better-than-Telemundo love story. But please, leave the married men alone.
We are messed up married women? Our husbands tell you we suck in bed, nag their hormones dead and still smell of maggi no matter how we bathe?
So, you become their aspirin for we headache-wives.Very kind you. But the beatitude on peacemaker doesn't in anyway mean this neither are Nobel for Peace so won. Really want to help?
Leave matter for "Matayas".
Further thought on other reasons have yielded nothing. Don't join a man in defying his vows. If you have no regard for God who warns that none should
put asunder (I'm astounded that you don't see a retribution there), then fear the Devil.

Wives are getting vicious. Ezinwa died stuck in intercourse with Papa Emeka. Onome has gone mad. Sarah has
razor cuts on her face. Our husbands can't be excited by dead girls so how do you miss these vile
stories? Another emphatic plea: leave married men alone.
Person wey talk say our water no go boil, dem no go sell matches for hin village o.
For Slighted Wives,
A Concerned Wife.


1. That would have been perfect if it had just lasted, like, a minute longer.
2. It’s been a while since I had [insert STI], but I like to do the right thing and let people know about it.
3. Have you ever realized, mid-s ex, that you’ve been thinking of someone else the entire time?
4. That was…nice.
5. Thank you for that. I’ve been wanting to check “sleep with [insert race] person” off my bucket list forever.
6. You feeling as itchy as I am down there?
7. My ex always used to want it again, like, right away.
8. I was so close!
9. You’re really awesome in bed…for someone your age.
10. You knew I was a vi rgin, right?
11. If we ever run into each other in public and I’m with my girlfriend/boyfriend, just pretend we don’t know each other, okay?
12. Thank God that infection cleared up right before we met.
13. Just in case you’re wondering, I was not faking it. I swear.
14. I really have to stop doing this.
15. Was I by any chance one of your first?
16. Drunk s ex is just never worth it, huh.
17. The doctor says I’m not contagious when I’m not presenting any symptoms at the time of sexual conduct.
18. Is it weird if I save the co ndom? I love a memento.
19. You’re definitely better than most of the people
I’ve been with—and trust me, that’s saying a lot.
20. Congrats! You’re officially the oldest person I’ve ever been with.
21. After my last one-night stand I got the worst rash. Any reason for me to worry now?
22. That was so much better than the last time I slept with someone average looking.
23. Do you ever have trouble focusing during sex?
24. I knew the rumors probably weren’t true. You’re totally decent at oral.
25. My mom was right. They all do look the same in the dark.
26. Can you tell me your full name again? I keep a log.
27. Do you think your parents still have sex?
28. Your friend [insert name] is so hot. Think we could get them to join us next time?
29. I really wish we’d used a condom.
30. sex is so much better when you don’t have to pay for it.
31. Have you always had such a weird [insert body part]?
32. You might wanna brush your teeth now.
33. Wow. Beer goggles.
34. Got any extra cash? I figure we should go the Plan B route—just to be safe.
35. Oh, and you might want to get tested, too. Just to be safe.

posted from Bloggeroid


“I have a million things to talk to you about. A million
things we have to talk about. All I want in this world
is you. I want to see you and talk. I want the two of
us to begin everything from the beginning.” —

1. They know exactly how you like your eggs
2. And how you take your coffee.
3. They buy you dusty copies of your favorite books
for your birthday.
4. And sing along with you to your favorite songs
while you’re both hilariously, horribly off key.
5. They ask you about your childhood, the scar on
your left knee, the last film you watched that
moved you.
6. They ask you things like “how did you sleep?”
and “how are you feeling?” and “are you okay?”
7. Basically, all the little moments in life that are
seemingly irrelevant, they care about.
8. You say to them you’re the best person in the
world and you really mean it.
9. They’re the person you want to call when you’ve
just seen something amusing only they would also
find the hilarity in.
10. And when you’ve found a passage in a book that
made you stop for a moment to think you want to
call them or sit with them and read the words to
them yourself.
11. You’re not sure how they do it but they take
notice of all the little things others always seemed to
12. They know to bring you a bottle in the morning
to fix your broken head.
13. And your favorite food orders to bring you in
times of stress (or, ya know, just times of extreme
14. The best moments with them aren’t in the pre-
planned nights out but instead they’re found within
the unexpected.
15. Like eating honey off your fingers together in the
kitchen, laughing.
16. Or confessing your greatest sins over drinks in
busy bars.
17. And whispering about your dreams in-between
the bedsheets and morning light.
18. You look at them and you just know this is my
person. this is my favorite person in the entire
world. and nothing else feels quite as great as when
you’re in their presence.

Tuesday, 17 March 2015


Fear is a vital response to physical and
emotional danger—if we didn't feel it, we couldn't
protect ourselves from legitimate threats. But
often we fear situations that are far from life-or-
death, and thus hang back for no good reason.Traumas or bad experiences can trigger a fear
response within us that is hard to quell. Yet
exposing ourselves to our personal demons is
the best way to move past them.

How to Start Overcoming Fear,Right


1. Awareness. Before you can begin
overcoming fear, you have to know that they
are causing havoc in your life. It’s easy to get
so attached to your thoughts and feelings that
you think they are all that exist, which couldn’t
be further from the truth.

2. Identify. Get specific about what exactly
you’re afraid of. Look at the pictures you have
in your head about the situation. What is
happening in them? What are you really scared
of? Become an observer of your inner space.

3. Curiosity. While curiosity may have killed
the cat, it certainly won’t do you any harm
when investigating your fears. Get curious
about what thoughts generate your fear, where
do you feel the fear, and how do you react to
it? Again, be an observer of what is going on.

4. The Now. What are you lacking right now?
When you center yourself in the now, you
realize that everything is how it is. You
naturally accept what is. Tapping into the now
can be as simple as feeling your body and
breath. My favorite book on the subject is
Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle.

5. EFT. EFT is short for Emotional Freedom
Techniques. You use your fingertips to tap
meridian points on your body while thinking of a
fear you have and it alleviates and sometimes
gets rid of the fear altogether. Simple, yet
extremely powerful.

6. Sedona Method. Another simple system to
conquer fear is the Sedona method . It consists
of asking a few simple questions while
focusing on your fear. It’s so simple that I
dismissed it several times before taking it
seriously. Bad move!

7. The Work. The Work is very similar to the
Sedona method in that it asks questions. The
Work is one of my favorite ways of dealing
with fears, anxieties, and worries. If you go for
nothing else on this list, go for The Work. It will
rock your world, if you let it.

8. Hypnosis. With hypnosis, you can program
the right thoughts into your mind and eliminate
negative beliefs. This doesn’t work for
everyone, but it might for you. My brother uses
it to consistently evoke positive change in his

9. Gratitude. Whenever you feel fear, switch it
over to what you are grateful for instead . If
you’re afraid of public speaking, be grateful for
the opportunity to communicate with so many
people, and that they are there to genuinely
listen to what you have to say.

10. Journaling. Getting your fears down on
paper is important, because trying to think
them through never works. You get caught in
endless loops of negativity that only lead you
further down the rabbit hole, and make your life

11. Talk. No-brainer advice, but how often do
we hold the negative in because we are afraid
of how others might react, or because of some
other reason? Talking helps, but don’t throw a
pity party for yourself.

12. Therapy. If you can find a good therapist,
therapy can be highly beneficial, even life-changing. Finding the right therapist for you
can be hard. Listen to your heart and choose
someone who resonates with you.

13. NLP. NLP is short for Neuro-Linguistic
Programming. I’ve been to a seminar with the
co-founder, Richard Bandler. You learn how
your mind works. In my experience, I’ve found
The Work to be much more powerful for me
personally, but I know that NLP has helped
thousands in eliminating phobias, fears, and
other emotional problems.

14. Life Coach. Do you have a fear of success,
or a fear of failure? A good life coach can help
you examine what you truly want from life, and
where your fears come from. I’ve spoken to a
few in my life and while it can be scary, it’s
very helpful in getting clear about what you
want and what’s stopping you .

15. Read. Reading a good book on your specific
fear can open new doors on how you can get
rid of it. I also like to read a lot of motivational
and inspirational work on and around the topic
I’m dealing with.

16. Take Action. I’m an action taker, and I
know that fears are just fears. They are
created by your imagination to make reality
seem scarier than it is. When you take action
and face your fears, they become weaker,
because you realize that reality isn’t nearly as
bad as your imagination.

17. Watch. Watching a movie or a documentary
can be as enlightening as reading a book.
Sometimes it’s nice to distract yourself from
your fear, but if you really want to, you can find
dozens of movies on the fear you’re dealing

18. Diet. Did you know that the food you eat
can have a dramatic impact on how you feel?
All the sugars, additives, sweeteners, and
other chemicals in our foods have a
surprisingly powerful effect in getting our body
out of balance. Stick to a clean diet that suits

19. Positivity. Whenever fear strikes, flip it
over. Instead of thinking of something bad that
can happen, think of something positive.What’s a positive outcome to your fear? If
you’re thinking about public speaking, imagine
yourself being wildly successful instead of
failing horribly. This is very similar to #9 but
with a small twist.

20. Perspective. Learning to deal with fear is all
about putting your negative thoughts in
perspective. We tend to focus too much on the
negative, so by looking at all the options, you
often realize that you’re making a big deal of
nothing. There are so many things that can
happen that it’s impossible for you to predict.We aren’t psychics.

21. Surrender. Surrendering to what is is
powerful, because as long as we try to change
what is, we are in war with reality. To learn
more about how to surrender to what is, I
recommend you read Loving What Is: Four
Questions That Can Change Your Life . It’s the
book on The Work I mentioned earlier. I
personally love it.

22. Your Story. We all tell ourselves a story
about our fear. If I’m afraid that no one will like
my writing, I tell myself a story (in my head)
about how I’ll fail horribly, people will laugh at
me, or even worse, no one will read what I
have to say. What’s your story?

23. Release Control. We want control and
predictability, even though it’s impossible to
get. Where we don’t have control, we
experience fear. But is it possible to ever have
control? Even if you can swim, you can drown.
A professional guitar player can still make
mistakes and butcher a gig. Give up the illusion
of control, and you’re free.

24. Help. Be kind to others. If you’re shy, focus
on helping people instead of being self-conscious about how you look or sound when
you talk. Flip it on other people and make
yourself feel good. This is very similar to #16.

25. Meaning. I believe we all go through things
for a reason. That includes the fears we have.
It also includes overcoming fear and learning
the lessons that come out of it. This may not be
the case 100% of the time, but when I look
back at the challenges and fears in my life, I
see that more often than not, they delivered
exactly the message I needed at that time.